Morning of day one and the protestors got violent.
What the fuck do they really think they are accomplishing? Their message - such as it was - has now been entirely undermined by the extremist approach.
Yesterday I went down to Victory Square to see part of the last of the Torch Relay. Protestors blocked the runner shouting "No Olympics on Stolen Native Lands" - which is such a load of crap, these protestors have apparently not heard of the four host nations... who all agreed to the olympics.
Yesterday's protestors looked kind of foolish, but they were nothing worse than that.
I believe that protest absolutely can be valid. But as soon as you are stepping on the rights of others - doing harm to them or their property - you are crossing a line. That happened this morning.
A group of protesters passed under our window this morning - marching up Hastings St. As they got to the intersection of Abbott, a by-stander who stepped up and shouted back at the protestors. What was shouted was inaudible at the 24th floor. A black-clad protestor actually pushed the man down to the street. The police at that time did nothing. I assume this was the same group that would eventually break windows downtown and that can be seen in the video linked above.
Actions like this deflate the opportunity of all protests to have an effect. Anarchy is NOT an effective platform for change. It is merely a process for unthinking reactionaries to demonstrate their lack of appreciation for the democracy they do have.
Here is what I have to say to the protestors:
Yes, you have the right to dissent. You do not have a right to hurt other people or their property. If you really had the courage of your convictions you'd protest with your face, not a balaclava. If you aren't willing to stand behind your actions you should really take a good look inward at your motivations. From where I stand you look like a bunch of punks who want an excuse to break stuff, not like anyone who really wants to be taken seriously. If you are so smart that you are convinced you are right, then you ought to be smart enough to make your argument in a cogent fashion that doesn't require violence. Your approach is no different than that of school-yard bullies. You want the world to know that this is your world too, but in the process you are forgetting that it is OURS too. In so doing you separate yourslf from those of us who you could have counted as allies in a valid cause in a legititimate demonstration. But as it stands, I will kindly request that you get the fuck off my side.
UPDATE: Here is the VPD's take on the incident. and... Lot's of Pictures
1 comment:
I completely agree with you.
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